Bader Boosts
The Renewal Boost
Ideal with The Signature Facial, this suction and crystal-free microdermabrasion option uses a diamond-encrusted tip to promote deeper and more thorough exfoliation. Instantly evens the skin tone and texture, and smooths, brightens, and reduces the appearance of fine lines and hyperpigmentation.
20 min
The Lifting Boost
Also known as “the non-surgical facelift,” this one-of-a-kind offering combines simultaneous microcurrent and full-spectrum LED light therapy to stimulate facial muscles, for a more lifted, contoured appearance. As results continue to improve over 24 hours, book this treatment the day before a special event.
20 min
The Radio Frequency Boost
Ideal with The Signature Facial, this stimulating add-on uses precision Radio Frequency therapy to optimise cell activation and communication to enhance the body's natural regenerative processes. For an impressively rejuvenated and firmed complexion, especially after a series of six.
60 min